THIS SUNDAY Carl's course on pioneering queer filmmaker Kenneth Anger begins!
Carl's online course on pioneering queer filmmaker and master of occult cinema Kenneth Anger begins this Sunday!
Carl was a personal friend of Anger's and made a documentary film about him Cinemagician: Conversations with Kenneth Anger, which you can view at his Substack. So you're going to get a lot of behind the scenes info that you won't get anywhere else! You can view a trailer for the class HERE.
We'll be meeting for 4 consecutive Sundays Feb 2-23 (how perfect!) from 1-3PM NYC time (10-12 PT, 6-8PM UK, 19-21 CET). We're so excited! Join us!
Please note: All classes will be recorded for those unable to attend live
Here's Morbid Anatomy's description of the course:
American "cinemagician" Kenneth Anger (1927-2023) was and remains a powerful source of inspiration for many generations of experimental artists and magicians. Anger's meticulous work in personal and poetic films—and also his chronicling of dark aspects of Hollywood history in the legendary bestsellers Hollywood Babylon 1and 2—make for a fascinating character that defies cultural definition. His life-long admiration for British occultist Aleister Crowley, and also his active weaving in of Crowley's "thelemic" ideas and concepts into his own mind-opening films have created a Gesamt oeuvre that could definitely be called “talismanic.” Filmaker Carl Abrahamsson, the teacher of this class, met Anger for the first time in Hollywood in 1990 and kept in touch with him all the way to the end. This friendship led to, among other things, Abrahamsson’s documentary Cinemagician: Conversations with Kenneth Anger (2019).
Over the course of four sessions, Abrahamsson will talk about Anger's personal history, his films, and also the relevance and symbolism of Aleister Crowley. The sessions will also contain outtakes from Abrahamsson's documentary work and other never before seen video documentations. There will also be time for questions and discussions about Anger's films and magic.
Carl Abrahamsson is a Swedish author and filmmaker who specializes in Occulture in general and in occult movies in particular. With books like Meetings with Remarkable Magicians, Occulture, Source Magic, Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan and In-between the Lines, Abrahamsson has carved out a niche that exists right in the eye of the storm—in-between the radical underground and the commercial mainstream.