It's time for the end of year wrap up!
Hello everyone!
As 2024 comes to a close, it’s time for the end of year wrap up. Let’s see what we did this year…
Rendering Unconscious Podcast was awarded the Gradiva Award for Digital Media by the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP). Huge thanks to all the listeners and fans who support the podcast. It means the world!
This year RU Pod started out with my dear friend, Kadmus Herschel, and wrapped with a new fav author, Clement Goldberg. Be sure to visit the EPISODES ALPHABETICAL BY GUEST page and check out any you’ve missed, as each one is a gem. Thanks to all guests I’ve had over the years, as we enter our 7th year!
My first novel Things Happen was published! This was a huge undertaking, and the process of creating the novel was quite magical, as I purged a lot through the process of the cut-up method. It took over 3 years all together and is quite autobiographical, as I cut up and rearranged scenes from my life growing up in Miami, Florida. I am so glad that these stories and memories have a forever home in this book, and I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted, as I don’t feel so heavy carrying them around inside anymore. I also loved making the collage for the cover.
We had 2 great in-person launch events in New York and Miami to celebrate, as well as an online event. Huge thanks to Quimby’s Bookstore Brooklyn, Bar Nancy Miami, and Morbid Anatomy for hosting and to everyone who came out in support. It was so wonderful to see each and every one of you and get a chance to catch up. Also, huge thanks and congrats to Jason Haaf and Ad Vat, who also launched new Trapart Books, Can I See Your Niche? – Collages & Cut-Ups 2020-2023 and Spiral Of Objects, respectively.
I should also mention, this trip to the States in the Spring was my first time being back in the US since 2019, so that in itself was quite something. It was good to be there for a few weeks and see that while much has changed, nothing much has changed. Great to eat crab cakes, stone crabs, key lime pie, nachos, and many diner breakfasts. And it was also great to come back to the peace of my new home in Sweden.
Carl and I traveled to Prague, as Carl spoke at the closing event for Gen’s exhibition It Is a Painful Thing to Be Alone: We Are But One - DOX. We had a great time touring the city with Nicolas Ballet.
Carl and I also gave our class Harnessing the Magic and Creative Power of the Cut-up Method a la William Burroughs, David Bowie, Genesis P-Orridge online via Morbid Anatomy Museum for the second time. It’s now available at Morbid Anatomy’s On-Demand page, along with some of Carl’s other classes, The Magic of Occult Cinema and Into the Devil’s Den and Back: An Introduction to the History and Magical System of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. And stay tuned! Soon my class on The Magical Films of Iconic Director will be available via Morbid Anatomy On-Demand as well.
Rendering Unconscious, the book is now available in a new edition! Rendering Unconscious (Expanded Edition): Psychoanalytic Perspectives volumes 1 & 2.
I contributed a piece on “Freud and the Occult” to The Fenris Wolf 12 edited by Carl.
And created collages for and edited The Interlocutor by S. Alfonso Williams.
This summer, Carl and I hosted our first artist retreat, which went phenomenally well. It was a joy and pleasure to have such a lovely group of magical people visit us at our home and take them around to various sites, including runestones, saunas, lakes, and hikes in nature.
We had a blast meeting up with old friends at the conference A Tide of Ghosts: Esotericism and Art beyond Fact and Fiction, hosted by Kasper Opstrup and Tim Rudbøg at Copenhagen University. I presented my process of creating my cut-up novel Things Happen (Trapart Books).
We also traveled to Stockholm (a couple times) and Gothenburg, where we got to hang with old friends, as Carl introduced the films Realm of Satan by Scott Cummings and S/HE IS STILLL HER/E by David Charles Rodrigues. And we got to see Evil Dead: The Musical, which was a blast!
With Oskar Hejll and Fredrik Gregorius at Bio Capitol in Stockholm.
Pete Murphy and I continue to create amazing music together. This year we released 3 albums, bringing our total albums to 18! Check them all out at Pete's Bandcamp page!
I had the pleasure of being interviewed for some podcasts this year, including:
Howl in the Wilderness podcast hosted by Brian James.
Interviewed with Carl for The Metempsychotic Podcast hosted by Bob Hale.
HAUNTQUINOX hosted by Keats Ross of Pragmagick Podcast.
The Last Mutiny Girl on Full Disclosure podcast hosted by Roben Farzad.
Episode 75: Psychoanalysis and the Cut-up Technique on Lux Occult podcast.
Thanks to everyone for hosting me!
This year I started uploading exclusive content to my Substack, mostly classes and lectures for paid subscribers. So far, we have:
Harnessing the Magic and Creative Power of the Cut-up Method (4 Classes), Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA.
The Unconscious Act: Theories of Repetition in Psychoanalysis and Philosophy (4 Classes), Global Centre for Advanced Studies (GCAS), Dublin, Ireland.
Exclusive lecture by Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, course on Gender, Sexuality and Perversion, The New School for Social Research, New York, NY, USA.
The Artist, the Double & Creative Will – Inspired by the Writings of Otto Rank, prepared for Rank Horror conference, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Carl and I also continue posting exclusive weekly content to our Patreon, and also started a Discord server for everyone in our Patreon community, where we can chat with like-minded others. It’s been such a welcome reprieve from social media.
Carl and I also just celebrated our 8 year anniversary. Skål to us!
As always, Carl has been churning out books, most notably Meetings with Remarkable Magicians – Life in the Occult Underground (book and audiobook), his magical autobiography, and In-between the Lines – Essays on Occulture, Magic and Seductive Zombie Strippers, so be sure to check those out!
And finally, this year I also co-edited the landmark volume The Queerness of Psychoanalysis: From Freud and Lacan to Laplanche and Beyond with Elisabeth Punzi and Myriam Sauer, the first psychoanalytic anthology where nearly all contributors are queer/trans. With incredible cover art by Val Denham. So grab yourself a copy!
That seems to sum up 2024! I look forward to seeing you all in 2025, and hope for the best for humanity during this time of upheaval. I hope we get to a better place collectively on the other side of all this chaos.
In the meantime let’s stay in touch: linktree
Wishing you all the best,